Everything about the Facebook event for your open concert

Promoting your concert through Facebook

Be My Concert avatar
Written by Be My Concert
Updated over a week ago

Creating a Facebook event for your Be My Concert is the best way to let people know about it.
If you go to your concert dashboard, click *** from here you can download a customized concert image for Facebook events in the right format.

If you would like your concert to be seen by Be my Concert's 9000+ Facebook followers, you need to add Be My Concert as a co-host to the Facebook event.

Please note: Facebook allows only Pages to add Pages and personal accounts to add other personal accounts as co-hosts on events.

If you are creating the event through your personal account, Facebook won't allow you to tag Be My Concert as co-host. If you have created a page for your artist or host profile, use that to create the event and then you will be able to add Be My Concert.

When to publish the Facebook event?

Based on reach and engagement, our marketing expert have estimated that the most optimal is to publish the event as soon as you have published your concert on Be My Concert.

How to publish the Facebook event?

To create a public Facebook event on your computer:

  1. From your News Feed, click Events in the left menu.

  2. Click + Create Event on the left side.

  3. Click Public Event, then click Next. Anyone will be able to see your event and search for it, even if you aren't friends. Once you've created a public event, you won't be able to change it to private later.

  4. Fill in the event name, location, date, time and description.

  5. Type and select keywords about your public event so it can be better recommended to people who are interested in that topic (example: Food festival).

  6. Choose who can edit and post in your event and then click Create. You'll be taken to your event where you can invite guests, add a cover photo or video, share posts and edit event details.

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